cabecera vitater terxy

Billions of plastic bottles end up in landfill sites every year. At Terxy®, we want to do our bit to make the world a better place to make the world a better place.

terxy recycling a bottle

We are committed to being environmentally friendly and sustainable. Our new VITATER® range of recycled products symbolises our commitment. This range uses high quality materials made using fabrics derived from recycled plastic bottles.

With the help of our partner REPREVE®, we are taking steps towards building a more sustainable future.


REPREVE® was launched by Unifi in 2007. The brand is a global leader in textile products and has now positioned REPREVE® as the world’s leading recycled fibre, by transforming plastic bottles into yarn.

It is one of the world’s most environmentally friendly textiles. Made from recycled materials, it lowers energy usage and protects natural resources by using existing waste and reusing waste created during the manufacturing processes.

recycled plasticselection and processing of plastic bottlespolyestermanufacturing

Our work goes beyond simply giving a new life to used materials. When compared with manufacturing processes for virgin fibres, the making of REPREVE® yarn releases less greenhouse gases, reducing water consumption and uses less energy. The use of this material makes a huge difference when it comes to protecting the future of our planet.



Our VITATER® sustainable mattresses carry the exclusive REPREVE® label that guarantees their manufacturing using recycled fabrics.

repreve r svg

GRS Certificate

These products are also certified by the Global Recycled Standard. This certifies that they are made using 100% recycled materials. GRS also guarantees that products meet certain social and environmental standards, including the correct treatment of waste water, the absence of toxic additives and decent working conditions in associated factories.

global recycled standard
people cleaning up litter in a natural area

Commitment to being environmentally friendly goes beyond a single product. We can custom make any of our products using REPREVE® stretch fabric.

Get in touch with our sales team, and find out more at: [email protected]

vitater terxy fabric